You can use the Search Tool to search all the elements of the PCC website. You can choose to search news articles, cases notes, site pages or a combination of these. These options can be found toward the bottom of the page.
Entering Keywords
Enter the words you wish to search for in the keywords box at the bottom of the screen. All words you enter will be searched for as single words. If you want to search for two words together as a single phrase, simply surround them in quotation marks.
For example, camera phone would search for the words "camera" and "phone". Entering "camera phone" would search for the phrase "camera phone" as well as the individual words on their own.
Cases Options
When searching cases, several other options are available to you. You can filter your search results by clause and decision by selecting the required check boxes and drop-down menu. If you wish to see all the results of a specific clause or decision (or a combination of these) you can leave the keywords field blank and all cases which fulfil those criteria will be returned.