Complainant Name: Clauses Noted: 6 Publication: The Argus (Brighton) Complaint: In June 2008, the Press Complaints Commission
upheld a complaint from Nicholas Soames MP against the Argus for publishing a
photograph of his and his friends’ children in breach of Clause 6 (Children) of
the editors’ Code of Practice. The photograph was published on page 8 on
7th January
2008. The Commission’s adjudication – which the newspaper was
obliged to publish in full and with due prominence – appeared on page 32 on
24th June.
Decision: Adjudication: The Commission has now considered whether
publishing its ruling on page 32 when the item under complaint appeared on page
8 was sufficiently prominent. The newspaper asked the Commission to take into
account the fact that there were more pages in the edition in which the
adjudication appeared than the one in which the photograph appeared. This meant
that the adjudication was a similar distance from the back of the paper to the
The Commission was not impressed with this argument. It considered that the editor had clearly failed in his duty to publish a critical PCC ruling with due prominence. There was therefore a further breach of the Code. As a result, the Commission required the editor to publish this statement in a prominent place in the newspaper. To read the original adjudication click here. Report: << Go Back |
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