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Complainant Name:
Messrs Eversheds, on behalf of Sir Elton John

Clauses Noted: 3

Publication: Daily Sport


Messrs Eversheds, Solicitors of London EC4, complained on behalf of Sir Elton John that the taking and publication of photographs of guests relaxing in the privacy of his home in the South of France in The Sport on 4 June and 2 July 1998 was a breach of privacy contrary to Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Code of Practice.

The complaint was upheld under Clause 3(i) of the Code because the pictures had been taken without consent in a way which intruded into the complainant's home life.

The solicitors for the complainant alleged that the photographs had been taken secretly, possibly from the top of a ladder placed against the wall of Sir Elton's property.

The newspaper said that the photographs had been offered to them by a picture agency who said they had been taken from a public footpath adjacent to Sir Elton's property. The newspaper relied on the consent to publication which it said had been given by the people pictured in the photographs to another newspaper.

The newspaper said that it was sorry if its use of the photographs had caused Sir Elton offence or distress. It offered to publish a full page statement, in a form of words to be agreed, asserting his position.



Clause 3(i) of the Code of Practice protects an individual's right to respect for his home life. In this case, the taking of photographs and their subsequent publication had intruded into the complainant's home life, and the privacy to which he and his guests were entitled. No consent was given and there was no public interest justification. The complaint was therefore upheld.


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