Complainant Name: Clauses Noted: 10 Publication: Sunday Sport Complaint: A woman complained that an article published in the Sunday Sport contained information obtained through misrepresentation in breach of Clause 11 (Misrepresentation) of the Code of Practice.
The complaint under Clause 11 was upheld. The girl's mother complained that a reporter had claimed to be a DSS officer undertaking a telephone enquiry in order to obtain private information that was subsequently used in the article. The newspaper denied that any of its journalists had misrepresented themselves during inquiries into the matter. However, the newspaper was unable to provide reporter's notes, transcripts or interview tapes to show how the specific information was otherwise obtained. Decision: Adjudication: The Commission believed that the complainant had put forward a strong case that particular information contained in the article was obtained through misrepresentation. As the newspaper was unable to prove that this particular information had been obtained in a legitimate manner in accordance with its obligations under the Code, the Commission considered that Clause 11 of the Code had been breached.
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