Press Complaints Commission
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Search Results For: (770 Results Found)
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(731)Ms J King (Reading Post)

Ms J King of Reading complained that a report in the Reading Evening Post on 13 September 1996, desc

(732)A woman (Daily Mirror)
A woman complained that an article headlined "How do you like it now, Mr Stanton?" in the Daily Mirr
(733)Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC (The Daily Telegraph)
Sir Louis Blom-Cooper QC, Chairman of Victim Support, London, SW9 complained that an article in The
(734)Mrs P Templeton and her daughter Miss C Brown (Daily Record)
Mrs P Templeton and her daughter Miss C Brown both of Lanarkshire, complained that a Daily Record re
(735)A woman (North-West Evening Mail)
A woman complained that an article headlined "Knifeman strikes again" in the North-West Evening Mail
(736)The British Medical Association (Daily Express)
The British Medical Association (BMA) complained that an article in The Express on 5 October 1996 he
(737)The British Medical Association (Daily Mail)
The British Medical Association (BMA) complained that an article in the Daily Mail on 5 October 1996
(738)Mr D R and Mrs M A Breese (Shepton Mallet Journal)
Mr D R and Mrs M A Breese of Somerset complained that a report in the Shepton Mallet Journal on 31 O
(739)Mr D R and Mrs M A Breese (Somerset Guardian)
Mr D R and Mrs M A Breese of Somerset complained that a report in the Somerset Guardian on 31 Octobe
(740)Ms Esther Rantzen (The Sunday Telegraph)
Ms Esther Rantzen, a BBC television journalist, complained that an article in The Sunday Telegraph o

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