Press Complaints Commission
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Search Results For: (770 Results Found)
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(721)Mr William Zachs (Sunday Mail)
Mr William Zachs of Edinburgh complained that coverage in the Sunday Mail about himself, his baby da
(722)Mr William Zachs (The Herald (Glasgow))
Mr William Zachs of Edinburgh complained that an article in The Herald on 31 August 1996 headlined "
(723)A woman (Daily Record)
A woman whose 14 year old daughter was awarded compensation by an industrial tribunal for sexual har
(724)Ms S Brearton (Telegraph & Argus)
Ms S Brearton, Chairperson of the Fairweather Project, complained that an article in the Telegraph &
(725)Messrs Birchall Blackburn on behalf of Mr Michael Williams (Daily Mirror)
Messrs Birchall Blackburn solicitors of Preston, Lancashire, complained on behalf of their client, M
(726)Mr and Mrs R Anstee (Sunday Mercury)
Mr and Mrs R Anstee of Coventry, complained that an article in the Sunday Mercury on 16 December 199
(727)Ms Emma Manson (News of the World)
Ms Emma Manson, a member of a Wiccan coven, complained that an article in the News of the World on 2
(728)Ms Marget Inglis (News of the World)
Ms Marget Inglis, a witch, complained that an article in the News of the World on 27 October 1996 he
(729)Mr S Milbank (The Mail on Sunday)
Mr S Milbank of Romford, Essex, complained that on 29 December 1996 The Mail on Sunday published a p
(730)Messrs R & CB Masefield on behalf of their client (Daily Mail)
The first wife of Fred West's brother John, complained through solicitors R & CB Masefield that an a

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