Press Complaints Commission
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(701)The father of a 16 year old boy (Evening Standard)
The father of a 16 year old boy complained that an article in the Evening Standard of 14 January 199
(702)Mr Patrick Evershed (Evening Standard)
Mr Patrick Evershed, Chairman of the Cities of London and Westminster Conservative Association, comp
(703)Mr Roscoe Deane (The Stage)
Mr Roscoe Deane, a comedy scriptwriter and performer, complained that an article in The Stage on 27
(704)Messrs Harbottle & Lewis on behalf of Ms Rula Lenska (Daily Mail)
Ms Rula Lenska complained through solicitors Messrs Harbottle & Lewis of London, EC4, that the Daily
(705)Mr William Ackroyd (Woman)
Mr William Ackroyd of Manchester complained that, prior to an article about his family, "My baby cos
(706)Mr H P Lee-Roberts (Kent Today)
Mr H P Lee-Roberts of Faversham, Kent, complained that an article in Kent Today of 26 March 1997 hea
(707)Mr and Mrs T Martin (Take a Break)
Mr and Mrs T Martin of Essex complained that a woman whose story had been featured in Take a Break o
(708)Mr Anthony Steen MP (The Sunday Telegraph)
Mr Anthony Steen MP complained that a News in Brief item in The Sunday Telegraph of 9 March 1997, "M
(709)Messrs Nicholson Graham and Jones, on behalf of Dame Shirley Porter (Westminster and Pimlico News)
Messrs Nicholson Graham and Jones, solicitors of Cannon Street, London EC4, complained on behalf of
(710)Messrs Schilling & Lom, acting for Mr Hugh Grant (Sunday Mirror)
Messrs Schilling & Lom, solicitors, of London, W1, acting for Mr Hugh Grant, complained on his behal

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