Press Complaints Commission
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Search Results For: (770 Results Found)
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(671)Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Constabulary (Daily Mirror)

The Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Constabulary complained that the Daily Mirror, Sunday Mirror

(672)Mr Giles Davies (Daily Express)
Mr Giles Davies of HMP Penninghame, a solicitor serving a prison sentence for embezzlement, complain
(673)Messrs Freeth Cartwright Hunt Dickins on behalf of Melanie Douglas (part 2) (Sunday Mercury)
Messrs Freeth Cartwright Hunt Dickins, solicitors of Nottingham, were authorised to complain on beha
(674)Messrs Freeth Cartwright Hunt Dickins on behalf of Melanie Douglas (part 1) (Sunday Mercury)
Messrs Freeth Cartwright Hunt Dickins, solicitors of Nottingham, were authorised to complain on beha
(675)Mr W H Sang (The People)
Mr W H Sang, Chief Executive of Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust complained that an article in The
(676)Mohan Singh Sihota (Slough Express)
Councillor Mohan Singh Sihota of Slough complained that he was named and his vice-chairmanship of a
(677)A woman (News Shopper (Bromley))

A woman complained that an inquest report in the News Shopper (Bromley) on 20 August 1997 abo

(678)Messrs Anthony Mahon & Co. on behalf of Mr James Neil and Mrs Angela Neil (Greenock Telegraph)
Mr James Neil and Mrs Angela Neil complained through solicitors, Messrs Anthony Mahon & Co. of Green
(679)Ms Sue Ainscough (The Mail on Sunday)
Ms Sue Ainscough, Senior Student Adviser of the University of Essex, complained that an article in T
(680)Mrs Les Eames (Bedfordshire on Sunday)
Mrs Les Eames, Hypnotherapist, of Dunstable, Bedfordshire, complained that an article in Bedfordshir

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