Press Complaints Commission
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Search Results For: (770 Results Found)
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(621)Mr G Clement (South Yorkshire Times)
Mr G Clement of Barnsley complained on behalf of Mrs Cathy Chadwick that a reporter from the South Y
(622)Mr Alfred Joseph (Sunday Mail)
Mr Alfred Joseph complained through solicitors, Messrs Brodies of Edinburgh, that an article headlin
(623)Messrs Avery, Clifford & Co. (Reading Post)

Messrs Avery, Clifford & Co, solicitors, of Reading, Berks, complained that the Reading Evening Post

(624)A woman (News of the World)
A woman from Leicester complained that an article in the News of the World on 18 January 1998, "Love
(625)Sir Paul McCartney (Hello!)
Sir Paul McCartney complained that publication of photographs of him with his family in Paris, in He
(626)Mr and Mrs L Matheson (Ross-shire Journal)
Mr and Mrs L Matheson complained through solicitors Middleton Ross & Arnot of Dingwall, Ross-shire t
(627)Mr and Mrs L Matheson (Press & Journal (Aberdeen))

Mr and Mrs L Matheson complained through solicitors Middleton Ross & Arnot of Dingwall, Ross-shire,

(628)Mrs Joanne Lloyd and Mr John Ogden (Sunday Sun)
Mrs Joanne Lloyd and Mr John Ogden of Coxhoe, Durham, complained that an article headlined "The magi
(629)Dr K Khare (News of the World)
Dr K Khare of Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, complained that an article headlined "Doctor in £5000
(630)Mr Michael Maude (Derby Telegraph)

Mr Michael Maude of Breadsall, Derby, complained that an article headlined "Toddler dies of meningit

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