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(51)A woman (The Sun)

A woman complained to the Press Complaints Commission that The Sun had published an article which identified her in breach of Clause 9 (Reporting of Crime) of the Editors' Code of Practice in May 2013.

(52)Christine Hussain (Herald & Post (Luton))

Christine Hussain, an Independent Sexual Violence Adviser at the Emerald Centre Sexual Assault Referral Centre, complained on behalf of a client of the Centre to the Press Complaints Commission that an article published in the Herald and Post (Luton) in 2012 included details about her that breached Clause 11 (Victims of sexual assault) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(53)A woman (The Sunday Times)

A woman complained to the Press Complaints Commission that The Sunday Times had harassed her in breach of Clause 4 (Harassment) of the Editors' Code of Practice in May 2013.

(54)A woman (Hemel Hempstead Gazette)

A woman complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an article published by the Hemel Hempstead Gazette had breached Clause 6 (Children) and Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(55)Alexandra and Georgia Pryce (The Daily Telegraph)

Alexandra and Georgia Pryce complained to the Press Complaints Commission, with the consent of their mother Ms Vicky Pryce, that a photograph of Ms Pryce published by The Daily Telegraph on 21 March intruded into her private life in breach of Clause 3 (Privacy) and Clause 4 (Harassment) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(56)Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham (The Sun)

Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that a photograph of Ms Trimingham published on the website and in the print edition of The Sun on 31 March, and a photograph of Mr Huhne published on the website and in the print edition of the newspaper on 1 April, along with the articles they accompanied, were in breach of Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(57)Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham (The Daily Telegraph)

Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that a photograph of Mr Huhne and a photograph of Ms Trimingham published on the website and in the print edition of The Daily Telegraph on 1 April 2, along with the articles they accompanied, and a photograph of Mr Huhne with Ms Trimingham published on its website on 5 May and in the print edition on 6 May, breached Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(58)Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham (Daily Mail)

Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that a photograph of Mr Huhne and a photograph of Ms Trimingham published on the website and in the print edition of the Daily Mail on 1 April, along with the articles they accompanied, and a photograph of Mr Huhne with Ms Trimingham published on the website on 5 May and in the print edition on 6 May, breached Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(59)Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham  (Daily Mirror)

Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that a photograph of Mr Huhne and a photograph of Ms Trimingham published on the website and in the print edition of the Daily Mirror on 1 April, along with the articles they accompanied, breached Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(60)Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham (Sunday Mirror)

Mr Chris Huhne and Ms Carina Trimingham complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that a photograph of Mr Huhne with Ms Trimingham, published on the website and print edition of the Sunday Mirror on 6 May, breached Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

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