Press Complaints Commission
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(561)A man (Hertfordshire Mercury)
A man from Hertfordshire complained that an article headlined "Hoaxer's thirst for a champagne lifes
(562)Messrs McGrigor Donald on behalf of Ms Yvonne MacQuarrie (Scotland on Sunday)
Ms Yvonne MacQuarrie complained through solicitors Messrs McGrigor Donald of Glasgow that a photogra
(563)The Rt Hon George Robertson MP and Mr Malcolm Robertson (Scotland on Sunday)
The Rt Hon George Robertson MP and Mr Malcolm Robertson of Ramoyle, Dunblane complained that an arti
(564)Mr James Barlow (The Daily Telegraph)
Mr James Barlow of London SW1 complained that the Daily Telegraph published an article written by Vi
(565)Mr Mike Bibb (Weston & Somerset Mercury)

Mr Mike Bibb of North Somerset complained through solicitors that an article published on May 14 199

(566)Messrs Harman and Harman (Folkestone Herald)
Harman and Harman, Solicitors, of Canterbury, Kent, complained that an article published in the Folk
(567)Mr James Barlow (Daily Mail)
Mr James Barlow of London SW1 complained that the Daily Mail published an article written by Victori
(568)Messrs Stronachs Corporate on behalf of a woman (The Mail on Sunday)
Messrs Stronachs Corporate, solicitors of Inverness, complained on behalf of a woman that an article
(569)Messrs Trump on behalf of Ms Pauline Green MEP (Daily Express)
Messrs Trumps, Solicitors, of Bristol complained on behalf of their client Ms Pauline Green MEP, tha
(570)Nancy Seltzer Associates on behalf of Sean Connery (Sunday Mail)
Nancy Seltzer Associates complained on behalf of Sean Connery that a photograph that appeared in the

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