Press Complaints Commission
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(541)Dr A Malik (The People)

Dr A Malik, of Malik Law Associates, London E2, complained that reporters from the Sunday People had

(542)Ms Denise Welch, Mr Tim Healy (Press Association)
Ms Denise Welch and Mr Tim Healy complained that a news item issued by the Press Association breache
(543)Messrs Eversheds on behalf of Sir Elton John (Sky Magazine)
Messrs Eversheds, Solicitors of London, EC4, complained on behalf of Sir Elton John that the publica
(544)Messrs Eversheds on behalf of Sir Elton John (Esquire)
Messrs Eversheds, Solicitors of London, EC4, complained on behalf of Sir Elton John that the publica
(545)Messrs Lewis Silkin on behalf of Mrs Isobel Stone (News of the World)
Messrs Lewis Silkin, Solicitors, complained on behalf of their client Mrs Isobel Stone that an artic
(546)Mrs Christine Bale (Woman)
Mrs Christine Bale of Lynton, North Devon complained on behalf of her son Peter Bale that an article
(547)Mr Neil Taylor (Sunday Mercury)
Mr Neil Taylor, Chief Executive of Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals NHS Trust, complained that on 20 Novem
(548)Ms Kay Carberry (Daily Mail)
Ms Kay Carberry, of London, complained that an article headlined "Peter and friends" and an accompan
(549)Granada Television complained on behalf of Ms Jacqueline Pirie (News of the World)
Granada Television complained on behalf of Ms Jacqueline Pirie that an article headlined "Street sta
(550)Ian Stewart-Brady (Daily Mirror)

Messrs E. Rex Makin, solicitors complained on behalf of Ian Stewart-Brady that photographs published

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