Press Complaints Commission
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(511)Mr Jason Collie (Sunday Sport)
Mr Jason Collie, of Auckland, New Zealand, complained that the Sunday Sport had paid an associate of
(512)Ms Sara Helm (The Spectator)
Ms Sara Helm of London complained that an article published in The Spectator on 13 May 2000 headline
(513)Ms Sara Helm (The Mail on Sunday)
Ms Sara Helm of London complained that an article published in The Mail on Sunday on 24 May 2000 hea
(514)Mr Frank Field MP (The Independent)
Mr Frank Field MP complained that a front page report of an interview that he had given to The Indep
(515)Granada Television on behalf of Ms Georgia Taylor (Sunday Sport)
Granada Television complained on behalf of Ms Georgia Taylor that an article in the Sunday Sport pub
(516)Noel Gallagher and Meg Matthews (Daily Mirror)

Noel Gallagher and Meg Matthews complained through solicitors Simons Muirhead & Burton that articles

(517)Asylum Aid, Cardiff Gypsy Sites Group, Dr Evan Harris MP and others (The Sun)
Asylum Aid, Cardiff Gypsy Sites Group, Dr Evan Harris MP and others complained that a series of arti
(518)Asylum Rights Campaign and others (Daily Mail)
Asylum Rights Campaign and others complained that a series of articles in the Daily Mail in March 20
(519)Messrs Clarkson Hirst on behalf of Mr Rodney Telford (Lancaster Guardian)
Clarkson Hirst, Solicitors, of Lancaster, complained on behalf of Mr Rodney Telford that an article
(520)Peter Bradley MP (The Sunday Times)
Mr Peter Bradley MP complained that The Sunday Times had paid Jonathan Aitken or his associates for

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