Press Complaints Commission
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(491)A man (Darlington & Stockton Times)

A man from North Yorkshire complained that an article published by The Northern Echo on 24 October 2

(492)Messrs Eversheds on behalf of Mrs Renate John (Hello!)
Messrs Eversheds, solicitors, complained on behalf of their client Mrs Renate John that an article h
(493)Messrs Eversheds on behalf of Mrs Renate John (Sunday Mirror)
Messrs Eversheds, solicitors, complained on behalf of their client Mrs Renate John that an article h
(494)Mr J E Thomas (Wirral Champion Magazine)

Mr J E Thomas of Neston in Cheshire complained that Wirral Champion magazine had misled, and continu

(495)A man (The Northern Echo)

A man from North Yorkshire complained that an article published by The Northern Echo on 24 October 2

(496)Mr and Mrs Kimble (Bucks Herald)
Mr and Mrs Kimble of Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, complained that they had been approached by a repor
(497)Mrs Gill Faldo (The Sun)

Mrs Gill Faldo of Berkshire complained that a journalist from The Sun had sought to obtain informati

(498)Ms Sallie Ryle, Head of Media Relations North for Granada Media (News of the World)
Ms Sallie Ryle, Head of Media Relations North for Granada Media, complained that journalists from th
(499)Ms Beverley Fielden (The Sun)
Ms Beverley Fielden complained on behalf of her partner Dr Kevin McGuigan that two articles and an e
(500)Mr Geoffrey Martin (The Mail on Sunday)
Mr Geoffrey Martin, Head of Representations in the United Kingdom of the European Commission, compla

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