Press Complaints Commission
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(461)Vanessa Feltz (Daily Mirror)

Vanessa Feltz complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors TSS Law of London tha

(462)Miss Jane Andrews (Daily Mail)
Miss Jane Andrews of HMP Bullwood Hall, Essex, complained to the Press Complaints Commission that a
(463)Miss Jane Andrews (Daily Mirror)
Miss Jane Andrews of HMP Bullwood Hall, Essex, complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an
(464)Naomi Russell (Sunday Sport)
Granada Media plc complained to the Press Complaints Commission on behalf of Miss Naomi Russell that
(465)Vanessa Feltz (Sunday Mirror)

Vanessa Feltz complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors TSS Law of London tha

(466)A reader (Daily Express)
A reader complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an article headlined ‘Why do I have to t
(467)A couple (Press & Journal (Aberdeen))

A couple complained to the Press Complaints Commission that a number of articles published in the Pr

(468)A couple (Evening Express (Aberdeen))
A couple complained to the Press Complaints Commission that a number of articles published in the Ev
(469)de Silva/Wijeyesinghe (The Sunday Times)
Mr Neville de Silva of Harrow and Mr Bodipala Wijeyesinghe of Carshalton complained separately that
(470)Mrs Primrose Shipman complained through Messrs Pannone and Partners (Daily Mirror)
Mrs Primrose Shipman complained through Messrs Pannone and Partners of Manchester that material cont

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