Press Complaints Commission
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(451)A reader (The People)

EMBARGO 00.01 21 MARCH 2002The Press Complaints Commission has investigated claims that five nationa

(452)A reader (Daily Mail)

EMBARGO 00.01 21 MARCH 2002The Press Complaints Commission has investigated claims that five nationa

(453)A reader (The Mail on Sunday)

EMBARGO 00.01 21 MARCH 2002The Press Complaints Commission has investigated claims that five nationa

(454)Railtrack plc (The Independent)
Mr Kevin Groves, Acting Head of Media, Railtrack plc, complained to the Press Complaints Commission
(455)Prime Minister and Mrs Blair (Daily Mail)

The Prime Minister and Mrs Blair complained that articles headlined "Quiet flows the don as Euan opt

(456)A reader (News of the World)

EMBARGO 00.01 21 MARCH 2002The Press Complaints Commission has investigated claims that five nationa

(457)Mrs Kim Noble (Jersey Evening Post)
Mrs Kim Noble of St Clement in Jersey complained to the Press Complaints Commission that a letter he
(458)Mr John Pope on behalf of Northwick Park Hospital (Evening Standard)
Mr John Pope complained to the Press Complaints Commission on behalf of Northwick Park Hospital, Mid
(459)Mr Colin Eves, the headmaster of Brecon High School (Brecon & Radnor Express)
Mr Colin Eves, the headmaster of Brecon High School, complained to the Press Complaints Commission t
(460)Prime Minister and Mrs Blair (The Daily Telegraph)

The Prime Minister and Mrs Blair complained that articles headlined "Quiet flows the don as Euan opt

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