Press Complaints Commission
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Search Results For: (770 Results Found)
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(401)Mr Paul McKenna (Daily Mirror)
Mr Paul McKenna complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors The Simkins Partner
(402)Mrs Dorothy Yeoman (Rhondda Leader)
Mrs Dorothy Yeoman, of London W1, complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an article publ
(403)David and Victoria Beckham (Sunday Mirror)
David and Victoria Beckham complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that an
(404)Mr W G Ibberson (Brighouse Echo)
Mr W G Ibberson of Brighouse, West Yorkshire, complained to the Press Complaints Commission that a p
(405)Mr Darrell Desbrow (The Scotsman)
Mr Darrell Desbrow of Kirkcudbrightshire complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an artic
(406)EMI Records Limited (News of the World)
EMI Records Limited complained to the Press Complaints Commission through solicitors that an article
(407)A woman (London Jewish News)
A woman complained to the Press Complaints Commission that a letter headlined "Jewish students and a
(408)A man (Luton on Sunday)
A man complained to the Press Complaints Commission that the article headlined "Vice girls move into
(409)The Hon. Christopher Monckton (Evening Standard)
The Hon. Christopher Monckton complained to the Press Complaints Commission on behalf of Consistent
(410)Mr Jermaine Pennant through solicitors Huggins & Lewis Foskett (The People)
Mr Jermaine Pennant complained to the Press Complaints Commission through Huggins & Lewis Foskett so

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