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(91)Bell Pottinger Group (The Independent)

Bell Pottinger Group complained to the PCC through Carter-Ruck solicitors that a series of articles published in The Independent on 6, 7, 8 and 9 December 2011 contained information that had been obtained using subterfuge in breach of Clause 10 (Clandestine devices and subterfuge) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(92)A married couple (Camberley News and Mail)

A married couple complained to the PCC that an article headlined 'Sweet result for Mica's charity stall, published in the Camberley News and Mail on 2 March 2012, had intruded into their teenage daughter's privacy in breach of Clause 3 (Privacy) and Clause 6 (Children) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(93)Dale Farm Solidarity (The Sun)

An activist representing Dale Farm Solidarity complained to the PCC that an article headlined 'The Sun goes undercover for Dale Farm diary', published in The Sun on 22 October 2011, contained information that had been obtained using subterfuge in breach of Clause 10 (Clandestine devices and subterfuge) of the Editors' Code of Practice and intruded into the privacy of Dale Farm activists and residents in breach of Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Code.

(94)Mr Philip Bell (Daily Mail)

Mr Philip Bell complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an article published on Mail Online on 26 March 2012, headlined 'Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions, says new study', was inaccurate in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(95)A woman (Sunday Life)

A woman complained to the PCC that an article headlined '‘Sorry' victim's begging letter to her rapist', published in the Sunday Life on 29 January 2012, was intrusive in breach of Clause 3 (Privacy) of the Editors' Code of Practice and contributed to her identification as a victim of sexual assault in breach of Clause 11 (Victims of sexual assault) of the Code.

(96)Charles Tannock MEP (The Sunday Times)

Charles Tannock MEP complained to the PCC via Lewis Silkin solicitors that an article headlined 'Tory MEP kept energy share options secret', published in The Sunday Times on 18 December 2011, was inaccurate and misleading in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(97)A woman (Sunday Life)

A woman, a former officer of the Northern Ireland Prison Service, complained to the Press Complaints Commission that articles headlined 'Killer rapist and his prison love', published in the Sunday Life newspaper on 24 April 2011; 'We're just friends', published on 1 May 2011; 'I could have been next', published on 3 July 2011; 'Prison funds used to clear killer's debt', published on 18 December 2011; and 'Drug debt lag killed pensioner', published on 1 January 2012, contained inaccurate information in breach of Clause 1 (Accuracy); intruded into her privacy and that of her young son in breach of Clauses 3 (Privacy) and 6 (Children); and included material obtained through clandestine means in breach of Clause 10 (Clandestine devices and subterfuge) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(98)The Rt Hon Andrew Robathan MP (Sunday Mirror)

The Rt Hon Andrew Robathan MP complained to the Press Complaints Commission that the Sunday Mirror had raised a breach of Clause 4 (Harassment) of the Editors' Code of Practice while seeking his comments for an article headlined 'Nuke tests did damage our health', published by the Sunday Mirror on 30 October 2011.

(99)Mrs Laura McQueen (Daily Record)

Mrs Laura McQueen complained to the Press Complaints Commission through Mrs Jennifer Whyberd that an article headlined 'Two die in lorry, car and minibus pile-up', published in the Daily Record on 16 December 2011, had intruded into her grief in breach of Clause 5 (Intrusion into grief or shock) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

(100)A man (Daily Mail)

A man complained to the Press Complaints Commission that the Daily Mail had obtained material that intruded into his private life in a manner that breached Clauses 1 (Accuracy), 3 (Privacy), 4 (Harassment), and 10 (Clandestine devices and subterfuge) of the Editors' Code of Practice.

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